Thursday, February 11, 2010

Starting now

I've committed to writ ting four hours to day and, by a week from now to be writing five hours a day, and in two weeks, six hours a day. I'm aiming at a work day of eight hours. Six hours writing and two research and Internet stuff. I also have to start working on the novel today, which probably needs to take up half to three quarters of my writing time. The goal is to finish the novel (finish is a loose term) by the end of April so I have some form of completed manuscript to put in Dave Carlson's hands. You can hold he too that, Dave.

That goal and the smaller goals before it, are scary. Right now, I'm not sure if physically, I capable of writing four hours. The right arm is still very week with a significant amount of pain due to the rotatter cuff complication. The cortisone shot on Feb 22 ought to take care of that. There is no pain, thank you Jesus, associated with the stroke.

It scary because this is the shot I have to find out if I can make a go of writing for a significant part of my living. I'm probably not going to get another big block of time I can devote to writing unless I make a go of it now.

It scary because I don't just want to be a competent writer. I do but, I want to be a great writer. I want what I write to knock your socks off. I want it to knock my socks off. I want it to be obvious to at least some of you that the only way to account for what's going to come out of this stroke is say God did it. I want what I write to be so far beyond me the only explanation is God is the coauthor. So I'm shooting for something big and the scary part is if I fail, I'll have a long way to fall.

So, four hours a day today.
This counts.

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