Wednesday, December 21, 2011

A letter of thanks

I would like to take the opportunity in this special time of the year to express my thanks to the elected officials in Washington, especially to the republican side of the isle in The House of Representatives, for the concern and care you take for my personal welfare in such a holistic manner. In these days when so many are swayed by the uniformed opinion of the great unwashed masses it is with great appreciation I observe how from your exalted positions you do not bow to the uniformed pressures of your constituency. I understand with the great concerns of state you have little time to concern yourselves with the petty difficulties of the huddled masses and I hope our tribulations do not dampen your spirits as you jet home for the holidays.

I would also like to commend the Godly values you whole heartily encourage and support in me personally. I am mindful of James 1: 2-4, how much you are directly responsible for increasing my faith and ensuring I am “lacking in nothing.” Indeed, what good does a full belly do if I “lose my soul.” Take solace, especially, you men and women of the faith. Your Father in heaven is watching your deeds with great interest. If I can paraphrase Matthew 25:45, as much as you do to the least of these, you do to ME.

So again thank you very much. We all know how hard you are working and can see where your priorities lie. I am sure proper appreciation will be expressed come next November. A very special holiday greeting to you all.

Michael Lipuma

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