Friday, December 23, 2011

Dog gets a bone

Republican millionaires condescended today to allow 160 million American workers a twenty dollar a week pay raise. They also grudgingly agreed not to cancel unemployment benefits of three hundred dollars a week to a further two million. From their posh offices they agreed they were under great political pressure to stop their assault on the American worker and throw the poor slobs a bone.

The president and the rest of the democrats were overjoyed with their rare piddling victory even though it was handed to them by the republican senate who seem to be close to having had it up to here with the fanatics from the so-called tea party. The president and his party seem grateful for whatever scraps they can grab as do the fraudulently named middle class after getting thrown out on their ears in droves.

Meanwhile the richest Americans don’t know what all of the fuss is about. With the size of their paychecks, bonuses, dividends, and stock options they find it hard to believe some of it isn’t trickling down to the shit shovelers. If power wealth and prestige was available to everybody what kind of country would this be?

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