Wednesday, April 28, 2010

The Immigration Debate

I’m getting tired of the immigration debate. First off, unless you’re pure bread American Indian you come from immigrant stock. And even they came over that lanbd bridge.

As for the Mexicans, a third of this country, from Texas all the way up to Oregon used to be a Mexican province or state or something called Aztlan. Some of the right wingers out there claim there is a plot of flooding those states with illegal Mexicans in order to annex it back to Mexico. Some of those right wingers want to annex Texas and Oklahoma so maybe they ought to put them selves on there list of people out to destroy the country.

So everybody fess up. We have to quit pointing fingers. We all got skeletons in the immigration closet. You people who have grandmothers who don’t know how to speak the language, know who I’m talking about.

And some body ought to do something about those people on 18th street; along with all the other Mexicans in the eastern two thirds of the country before they figure out they missed the boat to Aztlan, so to speak.

Oh, and I got a beef with Polish carpenters. Some of them are really good carpenters so some of them have been getting hired instead of me... I mean instead of Americans. I think we need to change this whole supply and demand thing, you know, you do a good job and you get paid a good wage. It’s clearly not working. I mean how many Americans are out of work because we treat these immigrants like people. Putting them in shitty neighborhoods and letting them kill each other off isn’t any more efficient than it’s been for any of the other foreigners we’ve let in. Eventually they become assimilated and then sometimes it’s almost imposable to tell them apart from the real Americans.

Take the clue from Arizona. It’s time to quit pussy footing around and fortify our borders, and start checking people a little too swarthy or shifty-eyed. We’ve got plenty of our own poor huddled masses we can’t to get rid of. We don’t need any more from someplace else. Let’s tear that foreign statue down and replace it with one of our own pointing back out to sea.

And don’t forget to clean out your own closet.


Unknown said...


It's difficult for Me to know what you're trying to say. You appear to be using sarcasm but when you start writing about carpenters it sounds like you're being serious.


Unknown said...

Scott. It's suposed to be a little edgy.

Jeffrey Spahr-Summers said...

and edgy it is, some sarcasm and humor. i like it.