Tuesday, December 6, 2011

BP and Halliburton Do Their Part

The economy, according to spokesmen for some niche sectors, has just received a tremendous boost. Lawyers for Halliburton, the world’s second largest oilfield services corporation, said the latest accusation by oil giant BP will require counterclaims and that mean litigation which can only be good for our firm and various support industries. We are not talking about an insignificant amount of money here.

Lawyers for BP agree. This can only be good for us and the people we putt to work to bolster our claims, detectives, researchers, expert witnesses, talking heads, media consultants and analysis. The list is quite extensive. Few people realize how much of a public service we perform.

And don’t forget all news men and camera people who will benefit from our litigations, Not to mention just the reams and reams of redundant paperwork we generate. The forest industry is a little known beneficiary of suit and counter suit.

Paper servers, repo men and loan sharks also expected and uptick in business. All them shysters putting on the screws bound to jack up the price a tea, if you know what I mean. Folks get behind in their payments. They don’t get persuaded to pay up all by their lonesome.

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