Saturday, March 27, 2010

Being Civil

In an unprecedented move, Christians from both sides of the isle signed a document pledging civility towards one another. They further agreed not to disparage each other with lies and innuendo.

The admonition to “love one another” was brought to their attention by its stark absence in the health care debate. “That’s right,” said one surprised follower of Christ. “We’re supposed to be nice to each other, aren’t we?”

With the mention of Glen Beck, a prominent Mormon and commentator, it was disclosed mister Beck is outside the pale and therefore not covered by the Civility Covenant, allowing him to be disparaged with impunity.

In an opposing argument some well-known Christian leaders sighted The Almighty’s wraths and judgment over blatant sin.

"Look what happened to Haiti and Godless New Orleans. “If you love me, you will obey my word.” They said, quoting such prominent personalities as Charles Manson and David Koresh. “It’s a passing fad. I’m sure in due time we’ll return to the fundamentally rigid views of our past. This notion of tolerance of views in opposition to the right ones has got to stop.”

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