Wednesday, January 24, 2007

inclusive or exclusive

Some of you are familiar with the concept of Christian small groups. Some people have closed ones and some have open ones. While I think there may be times, or to use the spiritual cliche, seasons, when a group can be closed, possibly doing a strictly defined study, I don't think I could ever be part of a closed group.

While there may be commitment and knowledge requirement for how the group works, I can't see saying sorry, but you cannot work out you salvation here. Having a closed group seems the direct opposite of being a Christian. The safety of a closed group is a phycological concept, not a Christian one. When is it ever appropriate to turn someone away refusing to be Christ representative on earth, refusing to bare one another's burdens, telling God, no, we have enough gifts in our group, or we like our configuration and we don't want you to mess with it. When do we ever say do not come unto me, you who are heavily burdened. If you get to big, which is a lot bigger than most think, split into two. If your group has become a place where you feel totally comfortable and safe to share then you are being disobedient to working out your salvation in fear and trembling.

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