Monday, February 8, 2010

Saints vs The Who: Saints Win

I am happy the Saints won. It has nothing to do with football. I didn't even watch the game, though I wouldn't have minded, but we don't have TV and getting around is a bit of a hassle these days. So I've got nothing against football, at least nothing I'm going to go into here because this blog is not about football. It's about New Orleans, and maybe a little about the Who, who make a good opposing view.

First, what happened to New Orleans was not a surprise, nor will it be a surprise when the Mississippi changes course again and flushes that chemical corridor right through down town. Some things are not if, there whens.

That said, due to the short attention span of our culture, a reminder is always a good thing. Though that we need to be reminded of a disaster of biblical proportions boggles the mind. As far as the Who goes and the trying to be generous review I read, some things should not try and rise from the ashes. If I were to boil the review down to it's essence it seemed to be saying for there age they did a good job and nobody really expected them to sound like The Who. The who was a great band. It would not be a stretch to say the wrote more than one anthem for their generation, but I think I saw their farewell concert tour some time in the eighties.

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