Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why I'm back

So I'm back. Ha!
I plan on using this to get the writing juices flowing, prime the pump, so you're liable to get anything here, from the profound to the absurd. Oh and I starting my campaign for the prez now, too. Same platform, No BS, Or at least the bs will be obvious so you know what is is up front. Sort of like campaign rhetoric. Say I promise to put a Harley in every driveway. You pretty much can know I'm only talking about my drive way. On the ot6her hand I will be serious too.
I hope that will be self evident too. Like if I say thank God I've got a good attitude having had a stroke, I'm being serious. I think I'd be pretty miserable without Him. I'll occasionally comment on currant events, like a news paper columnist. I have a secret urge to be Mike Royko, not that I want to be mugged or dead or anything; I just think there's a lot of shit going on that I like to comment on. There's also this stroke thing. I'll be using this too figure out who I am now, I mean I know I'm still me, but I'm a different me now. Me plus stroke. I'm in the middle of it, or actually I haven't Reached the middle of it. I'm Kind of excited to see how I'll be on the other side of it, say a tear from now?

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